life is so wonderful, i just love how exciting and crazy it is, especially when you just give yourself over to the creator of your life, and let him rule in everything, it far exceeds anything that i have ever been able to come up with on my own.
so for the last month or so, shoot, or two, since my last post, much has happened!
the biggest thing, i suppose, is the fact that i will be spending 9 weeks overseas! i will be going to the philippines and back to thailand! im soooooooo excited over this development, i never thought i would go back to thailand, but back i am going indeed! i have the incredible privilege of co-leading a team of 8 students with the always-fabulous gary, the coolest canadian chef ive ever met.
how am i doing all this, you ask?
im staffing the winter dts. you know, that thing i did when i first left home two years ago? i know, i know, its crazy, i certainly never thought i would be in this position, but God is bigger, and how he loves us!
speaking of how he loves us, check out the song posted below...its a bit long, but after the first 2 minutes it gets REALLY good....its a good visual of where i am right now in my walk with God, just experiencing His love, and living in that everyday. its transforming, i tell you.
so back to the dts. they're awesome!! i love every single student, all 25 of em!
we just got back from a NIKO, which is basically a rough-it, push you to the limit camping experience. i wont go into all the details, that would take up far too much time, suffice it to say that i spent 3 days hiking 15 miles up and down, and up and down, and up and down, a mountain, using baking soda to brush my teeth and eating dried fruit for several meals. i will not soon forget this experience, and how much, was! i love that i love roughing it, its something unexpected about me, i suppose :)
i have a small group, 5 girls, we meet every week and share our lives and encourage one another. we have speakers come every week sharing about different paths of the Jesus-following walk.
we have fun nights, local outreaches, laundry runs and trips to wal-mart.
this is the briefest of overviews in what a dts actually looks like, but in the end, the students walk away transformed by revelations of Gods character. well, thats the goal. and to go into the world and share the love and light that fills the void in our hearts.
i love this. i love Jesus. what a wonderful life!
i don't deserve this. and thats the wonderful part about grace.
i think i might not be making too much sense, for it is late, and i am tired. sorry its been so long since the last post, ill make sure to post again before another two months have passed!
heres a picture of all of us on top of one of several mountains...