Friday, December 28, 2007

7 things

So I got tagged by Karisse. She's hit me up for 7 weird/strange items about myself.

The rules of the game:
*Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them.
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
*Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

soooo, without further ado...

#7 i will always chew gum. peppermint orbit is my favorite. "fresh breath is a priority in my life." (movie reference? anyone?) i chew gum as a nervous habit, when im excited, when i cant brush my teeth, and just because. i love gum. my good friend anne rut attributes the first time she met me to the way i was chewing my gum. i like gum.

#6 i adore all things theater. i love the ballet, the opera, musicals...if its on stage, i want to see it. ever since my grandma took me to san fransisco to see the phantom of the opera (which really should be its own number, my love affair with it) when i was in sixth grade, ive had an affinity for all productions stage-oriented. when im watching a show, i feel like i belong there, im in my element, and all is right with the world for the time i am in the audience being swept up to the safari plains of africa, wrapped in a technicolor dream-coat, or fiddling on a roof. i love the theater.

#5 im the older sister. i have a sister three years younger than me, and in my growing days, ive come to realize that i completely embody the older sister (duh) in all relationships in my life. when im with younger sisters, i tend to look out for them more and make sure they know whats going on. when im with the middle or older sisters, i sometimes feel the equal, sometimes a bit intimidated, but im never far from the thoughts and feelings associated with being the older sister; explaining everything to them, making sure everyone is taken care of, just generally looking out for them. just don't catch me with my little sis, im completely nuts.

#4 i love tofu. its true. and don't say its because im from california, i dont buy it, too many people i know don't like it who live here also. but its true, it's one of my favorite foods. i had it for dinner tonight, actually, mongolian tofu from a local chinese restaurant. mmmmm, delicious! but i guess i am a true californian though, because "california cuisine" is definitely some of my favorites: avocados, cottage cheese, tofu. yumm-o!

#3 if you want me to fall in love with you, treat me to starbucks. (ok that only applies to guys, haha, but the point gets across). i absolutely adore starbucks. as a matter of fact, my mom knows that if im not at home, and haven't told her what im doing, im at starbucks. the coffee is the best ive ever tasted, dark and strong roasts that smell heavenly when you open a new bag (definitely one of my top three favorite smells; a brand new bag of coffee being opened). its the perfect place to meet an old friend to catch up, or to stay connected with a current friend. its casual enough to hang out with a guy and not make assumptions, the atmosphere is just perfect. and they are all over the world, so you always know what you're getting, it always tastes the same.

#2 im an ENFJ and my strengths finder results are communication, woo, input, harmony, and positivity. ok enfj: extrovert, intuitive, feeler, judgement. it would take waaaay too long to type and read the more precise definitions of those, but suffice it to say that i draw energy from people, i tend to fill in the blanks, (to be exact, my N and S are equal, intuitive and sensing, which is basically following a pattern, having the steps laid out, so i switch between both, depending on the circumstance), i operate from my feelings, and i like lists and order. the words for my sf are pretty self-explanatory, although im absolutely nuts over the different personality tests, so feel free to message me to talk more at-length about it.

#1 Jesus has changed me life. i have fallen in love, and there is no going back. with him, ive been able to travel around the world, sharing the love that he is constantly pouring into me. experiencing life filled with his grace and love, walking around this earth knowing how unworthy i am, and yet knowing that he has chosen me, is an experience that cant help but change you. i am so in love with him, and everyday that we spend together, i learn a little more about his character, and fall deeper and deeper. its the biggest thrill ride i have ever been on, and im allowed to ride forever!!

whew, i could keep going and going! im pretty sure that will do. so im supposed to tag 7 people here...i dont really know many people with blogs (that i know about, any way), so ill link to their facebooks or myspace, i guess...well, the lucky people tonight shall little sister megan, my best friend trisha, my awesome roommate amy, and my wonderful friends tony, j.t. santos, and jenn. have fun guys!

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