Sunday, April 20, 2008

fishy tales

ok how have i not talked more about roti? honestly. so roti. im not sure if its the national dish of thailand, but it sure should be, its sinful! its a dessert, to be found solely from street vendors on street corners, or sometimes in the markets. it is fried dough that the roti master flips pizza-style until it is tissue thin, and the size of a huge crepe. they put it on the skillet, and fry it until golden brown. they fold the sides in until it resembles a rectangle, and then put sweetened condensed milk and sugar crystals on it. they then roll it up and put it in paper, only 5 baht for your enjoyment! you can get them filled with a variety of delectable treats, my personal favorite is bananas! (ps 5 baht doesnt even register in american money, the exchange rate is 30 baht to one dollar).
so today we wentto do open air evangelism in a burmese/thai market, and as i was wandering around, i happened upon what must be the local fish female persuasion. this encounter made me singularly happy that i am in thailand, at a local market, for before my very eyes was a tub full of ugly orange fish, bigger than koi. customers must simply point out a fish, and the monger scoops her arm into the tub, pulls out the fish, tosses it to her handy-boy, who clubs its head, de-scales it, and puts into a plastic bag! it was so funny to me to watch this, and im not sure why, but as i sipped my coke-in-a-bag (its true, to-go cokes here come in little plastic bags, much like you get in grocery stores, but much smaller), i pondered the fact that i am truly content here. and its a wonderful feeling!
well, theres always so much more to write, but alas, atti is staring at me through the window, and its dark, so i cant walk alone, ciao!