Thursday, September 6, 2007


so ive been inspired to come up with my own personal list of values, if you will. heres what ive got so far...

[DISCLAIMER: this is a first rough draft, a no-notes, recounts, or error-checked draft, meaning that at any time i can change, fix, delete, or add on to any one or number of items.]

...wait a second. before i even begin, lets get some items out of the way...
first of all, i ask the question, what is a value?
the answer? (wow its a good thing i did an somd :)
-my values are characteristics from God that determine my behavior, what makes me unique, and am insistent on upholding in my own life.
now, what has value, according to me?
-the following compilation is determinate of my behavior, personality, and belief system, at this present time, anyway.

now to the good stuff...
(i imagine a red carpet rolling out right here, presenting at the end what everyone has been waiting all night for...the star of the show, the glue that holds it all together...)

[in no particular order whatsoever]

i value...

- an honest days work for an honest days pay
(to keep laziness out of the picture)
- skepticism, struggle, and the urge to question everything
(to find out for myself what i believe to be true)
- laughter, jokes, silliness, and general goofings around
(as a means of maintaining and upholding my personality)
- intimacy, truth, honor, and integrity in every relationship
(otherwise, i fail to see the point)
- the Bible as an authoritative source on every matter
(its my absolute truth..."there are no absolutes." "are you absolutely sure?")
- Jesus
- family
(they are my rock. your family reflects you, however you choose. what does my family say about me?)
- a commitment to love the lost, hurting, dying and disappearing in our society today, sharing the joy and light that is mine, that is meant for every soul
(otherwise, my life really has no value. or purpose.)

reflecting back on that, there are many things that are me that are not a part of this list, it is not exhaustive you see, but a mere glimpse into my life, as this present moment. i also see that i have many items in my life to look over, change. my personal values are a tall order, and only can be accomplished when i lay myself down, and let the maker of me be the change...
what will you do?

1 comment:

Karisse said...

Go look at my blog! The Body Shop post!!!