Tuesday, March 25, 2008

its so hot ice cubes have nothing to do with it!

sooo were about a week into our 9 1/2 week adventure, and i must say, i sad were already a week gone! today we joined on a march through town in protestation of prostitution. we walked for almost three hours, and for the first two, it was a blast. they had drummers banging and children dancing, and then, with all the walking, it got old. but awesome to say i was part of a parade in the philippines!
so the food here is pretty much phenomenal. lumpia, pancit, chicken feet...yes, its true...i tried a chicken foot...be on the watch for a pic sometime in the hopeful near future. i also ate a pepper. a really really hot pepper. really hot.
i absolutely in love with the children here, they are so adorable! especially little andre, he definitely has my heart! the women here are also so sweet, friendly, and easy to get to know. each one has a tragic story, a tragic life, but have found redemption in Jesus, and its such a privilege to work alongside with them, encouraging them, learning from them, praying with them. i love it here!
although i am getting excited for thailand!!
okay, this post is semmingly going nowhere, and matt is waiting semi-patiently for me to be done, so im done.
oh, disclaimer: i dont proof my posts due to time limits and such, so sorry if it doesnt always make sense, or if there are horrid typos!

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